All you wanted to know about dumpster rental in Woodstock GA

Can I keep my dumpster longer or get it picked up sooner than my original rental?

Because we base our pick-up schedules on the time given in the original rental, we would assess this situation one day or week to the next, depending on whether our crew is available. There is an additional charge for keeping the container longer than designated in your order. If you’re unsure how long you’ll need your dumpster, give us a call! We’ve been handling north metro area waste management for a long time and can help you decide on the ideal amount of time to book your rental.

Will the drop-off or pickup process damage my driveway?

This is a possibility; a roll-off dumpster rental in Woodstock GA carries a lot of weight, and in the pick-up and drop-off procedure that weight is concentrated on a fairly small area. We highly recommend placing a sheet of plywood over any surface where the roll-off is going to touch down. Get in touch with us for a full detail of the terms and conditions of your rental, and for any advice on where to place your dumpster.

How large of a space do I need for the container/for delivery?

Please refer to the container dimensions listed below. It is recommended to provide space to accommodate double the amount of the width and height of the container to assure adequate height and space clearance.

Can I put the dumpster on the street?

This will depend on the rules of your local municipality. Permits may be required. Contact us if you need any help or advice in obtaining a permit.

Are any items off-limits for my roll-off dumpster rental in Woodstock GA?

The short answer is, check with your municipality. The long answer is that in most places, the following items are prohibited in alphabetical order: aerosol cans, animals, antifreeze, appliances, asbestos, barrels, batteries, computers, contaminated oils (mixed with solvents, gasoline, etc.), fluorescent tubes, hazardous waste, herbicides & pesticides, industrial waste, lubricating/hydraulic oil, medical waste, microwaves, monitors, motor oil, oil filters, other flammable liquids, paint (completely dried latex paint cans are acceptable), propane tanks, radioactive material, solvents, televisions, tires, transmission oil.

Note that prohibited items in your dumpster may result in additional charges if we have to take it to a specialized Woodstock dump that is equipped to handle that kind of material, or in refusal to pick up the bin until those items are removed. We really don’t want that to happen to you!

Give us a call and tell us about your project so that we can recommend the right solution for your needs.

What if I need a larger container?

We pride ourselves on providing the best dumpster rental Woodstock GA has to offer. Contact us for advice and recommendations on bin sizes. We want to make sure you get the size and type of dumpster that suits your needs.

How far in advance do I need to order?

We recommend calling at least a week before you will need your dumpster to ensure that the size of dumpster you need is available on your date. We will do our best to accommodate shorter order times but cannot always guarantee you’ll be able to get what you want.

Do I need to be home when my dumpster rental is delivered or picked up?

It is not necessary for you to be onsite for drop-off or pick-up of your dumpster. When booking your dumpster, please be specific in answering questions regarding placement, and provide any information we will need to place the dumpster in a safe, accessible area.

For pick-up, you will need to provide unobstructed access to the dumpster on the scheduled pick-up day. If we can’t get to it, we will have to come back later, which will mean additional pick-up charges for you. Protect yourself with a little advance planning!

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